
SpeedSMM V5 is a modern and scalable SaaS SMM Panel Project. This platform is designed to enable users to effectively manage their social media services. With its user-friendly interface, powerful integration options, and customizable features, SpeedSMM V5 is an innovative solution for social media management.

Getting Started

To start using SpeedSMM V5, you’ll need to complete the following steps:

1. Create a Cloudflare Account

Cloudflare provides web infrastructure and security services, including content delivery, DDoS mitigation, and DNS management. To set up your SpeedSMM panel, you need to create an account on Cloudflare and configure the necessary DNS settings.

Steps to create your Cloudflare account:

  1. Visit the Cloudflare website.
  2. Sign up for a new account or log in if you already have one.
  3. Add your domain to Cloudflare.
  4. Cloudflare will provide you with nameservers (e.g.,,
  5. Go to your domain registrar's website (where you purchased your domain) and replace the current nameservers with the ones provided by Cloudflare.
  6. Once the nameservers are updated, it may take up to 24 hours for the changes to propagate.

2. Create a SpeedSMM Account

SpeedSMM is a platform that provides a SaaS-based SMM Panel, which you can rent on a monthly or yearly basis. After setting up Cloudflare, you need to create a SpeedSMM account.

Steps to create a SpeedSMM account:

  1. Visit the official SpeedSMM website.
  2. Sign up for an account.
  3. Choose your subscription plan (monthly or yearly).
  4. Complete the payment process.

3. Set Up CNAME Record in Cloudflare

Once you've created your accounts on both Cloudflare and SpeedSMM, you'll need to configure your domain and set up a CNAME record for

Follow these steps to add the CNAME record in Cloudflare:

  1. Login to your Cloudflare Dashboard.

  2. Go to the DNS settings for your domain.

  3. Add a new CNAME record with the following settings:

    • Name: @
    • Target:
    • Proxy status: Proxied (to enable Cloudflare's proxy features like security and caching)
    • TTL: Auto or the default value.
  4. Make sure the Proxy status is enabled (orange cloud icon). This ensures your traffic will be routed through Cloudflare.

    This is how it should look in your DNS settings:

    CNAME Record Configuration

    Note: The "CNAME" record points to to establish the connection between your domain and the SpeedSMM panel.

  5. Do not forget to set your ‘SSL/TLS’ setting as ‘Flexible’ or you will get 404 response. Set to ‘Flexible’

4. Link Cloudflare to SpeedSMM

After setting up the CNAME record, log in to your SpeedSMM dashboard and enter the necessary DNS details provided by Cloudflare to finalize the integration.

Once you’ve configured Cloudflare, your domain will be connected to the SpeedSMM panel, allowing for seamless management.

5. Deposit Funds to Your SpeedSMM Account

Before placing an order for your panel, you will need to deposit funds into your SpeedSMM account.

Steps to deposit funds:

  1. Log in to your SpeedSMM account.
  2. Navigate to the add funds section.
  3. Choose your preferred payment method (e.g., credit card).
  4. Deposit the necessary amount to fund your account.

6. Place an Order for Your Panel

Once your SpeedSMM account is funded, you can place an order for your SMM panel.

Steps to place an order:

  1. Log in to your SpeedSMM Dashboard.

  2. Go to the Create new panel.

  3. Choose the software selection as SpeedSMM.

  4. Enter your panel details.

  5. Complete your order by clicking on the "Finish" button.

    This is how it should look in your dashboard when placing an order:

    Order Screen

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve completed the basic setup, you're ready to explore the full capabilities of SpeedSMM V5. Here are some next steps to help you get the most out of your new SMM panel:

Let me know if you need further adjustments or more details on any of the sections!

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