Welcome to SpeedSMM v5 Admin Panel. The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your platform's performance and management tools.
Dashboard Statistics
Financial Metrics
The top section displays key financial and operational metrics:
- Total Turnover
- Total Profit
- Active Support Requests
- Incorrect Orders
These metrics can be viewed in different time periods:
- Today
- This Week
- This Month
- Last 3 Months
- This Year
- All Time
SpeedCHAT Communication System
SpeedCHAT enables quick and easy communication with other platform users. You can create private chats with authorized users or dealers, and make announcements through the system.
Available Chat Types
- Global Chat
- Your Chats...
Creating a New Chat
To create a new chat:
- Click "Create New Chat"
- Fill in the following details:
- Chat Name
- Select Participants (at least one required)
- Add Explanation (optional)
- Click "Create" to start the chat
Form Fields Reference:
Create New Chat
Chat Name
[Input field]
[Selection field]
You must select at least one participant to start the chat.
[Text area]
Do you know these?
By creating a new chat, you can start a private chat with your authorized users or start a private chat with dealer owners.
[Create Button]
Task Management System
The Task Management system allows you to assign and track tasks for specific team members. Tasks are only visible to assigned personnel.
Creating a New Task
To create a task:
- Click "Add New Task"
- Complete the task form:
- Select Persons in Charge
- Add Job Description
- Set Status (Pending, etc.)
- Choose Priority (Low, Medium, High)
- Set End Date (dd.mm.yyyy)
- Click "Add" to create the task
Form Fields Reference:
Add New Task
Persons in Charge
[Selection field]
Job Description
[Text area]
[Dropdown: Pending]
[Dropdown: Low]
End Date
[Date input: dd.mm.yyyy]
[Add Button]
Status Panels
Last 5 Orders
Displays recent orders with:
- User
- Link
- Service
- Fee
- Status (Server Processing/Deposit to Provider/Pending/Processing/In Progress/Completed/Partial/Canceled/Refunded/Failed)
Last 5 Support Requests
Shows recent support tickets with:
- User
- Topic (General/Order/Payment/Panel Rental/API/Other)
- Status (Open/Answered/Customer Reply/Closed/AI Reply)
- Priority (Low/Medium/High)
Last 5 Users
Lists recently registered users:
- Username
- Phone
- Status (online/offline/banned)
Last 5 Payments
Tracks recent transactions:
- User
- Amount
- Payment Method (Bank Name or Virtual Pos Name)
- Status (pending/completed/failed)
API Provider Status
Monitors API providers:
- Provider Name
- Balance
- Description (fetching, not fetching)
- Status (active/inactive or error)
User Tracking System
The Online Users section provides real-time tracking of user activity if the tracking system is enabled.
Information Displayed
- Current Page
- Operating System
- Browser
- IP Address
- Country
- Duration
Online User Statistics
Displays user platform distribution:
- Mobile Users
- Desktop Users
- Other Platforms
Note: The system shows users who have been active in the last 5 minutes and updates automatically. Next update timer is displayed at the bottom of the panel.