Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the rate limit for the API?
The API has a rate limit of 100 requests per minute per IP address.
Q: What should I do if I am banned from the API?
You should contact the site owner and request him to lift your ban.
Q: How can I bypass the 100 request limit?
We recommend upgrading to our enterprise plan for higher rate limits. Using proxies or attempting to bypass rate limits violates our terms of service.
Q: How do I get an API key?
Create an account on the site you want to use, then create and copy the api key from the user settings page. then mark your api key status as active
Q: What is the API uptime?
Our API has an uptime of 99.9% and is monitored 24/7 by our engineering team.
Q: What is the average response time for the API?
The average response time for the API is 300ms. However, this may vary based on the complexity of the request and server load.
Q: How can I report a bug or issue with the API?
Please contact our support team with detailed information about the bug or issue, including the endpoint, request payload, and response received.
Q: Can I use the API for commercial projects?
Yes, you can use the API for commercial projects. However, you must comply with our terms of service and licensing agreements.
Q: What is the API response format?
The API returns data in JSON format by default. You can specify the response format using the 'Accept' header in your request.
Q: How can I get historical data from the API?
The API does not provide historical data at the moment. However, we are working on adding this feature in the future.